Thursday, January 26, 2012

The saga continues....

As more and more blood test results keep coming in the more unclear the picture becomes. Now, it seems, I also suffer from a severe deficiency in Vitamin D. This is despite me taking a supplement of 1000 units daily.

Yes, I admit there are days I forget about it. But such days are not too many and I live in a country where the sun shines most of the year and I get enough exposure.

The more I think about it the more apparent it becomes that, yet again, what science and medicine know about nutrition simply isn't enough. It cannot be that what works for my neighbor or my sister works for me too. People are different.

The main nutritional change I made in the past few months was to lower the amount of protein I am consuming, avoid dairy products as much as possible except some goat cheese and goat milk yogurt (with no preservatives) and consume more complex carbs.

The goal was to lower my cholesterol, my blood sugar, get rid of the Candida and let my liver heal.

The result? My cholesterol went up, Candida is still alive and kicking (yes there is some improvement but not nearly enough), Glucose levels dropped just a bit while Triglycerides went through the roof and now....a brand new Vitamin D deficiency.

In retrospect this explains a lot of the mood swings, the new dental problems I have been having (including a nasty bone tumor on my lower jaw) and the worsened condition of my knees.

Vitamin D, if you didn't know it yet, is created when cholesterol (yes.... indeed!) is exposed to ultra violet radiation from the Sun on your skin.
Therefore the best sources for it nutrition wise are: Egg yolks, dairy products, Tuna fish, internal organs meat (liver and the such), fat and clams.

My diet in the past 4-5 months called for reducing all those things....

And here I am... suffering again. And once again knowing that going to the doctor will only result in being scolded for "not keeping with the program" (really?! which program would that be....?) and prescribing more bonbons that will only make things worse and cause more liver damage...

I think it's time for a new game plan! A new research!


  1. Hi Elinor,

    I was wondering if you accepted any guest posting on your site. I couldn’t manage to find your email on the site. If you could get a hold of me at, I would greatly appreciate it!

